
Brigit Anderson at Christchurch Art Gallery

Photographer Bridgit Anderson speaks about her project Stella & Cecil: A Kaikoura Composition.

Wednesday 16 June, 6pm
Philip Carter Family Auditorium
Friends $5, Non-Members $10, Students with ID free

Stella and Cecil Wallace created a home and a dental surgery at 43 Beach Road, Kaikoura in 1915. In 2020 Anderson collaborated with Margaret Egan, Stella and Cecil’s granddaughter, to create a series of still life images composed of childhood memories, everyday domestic objects and the antique paraphernalia of Cecil’s dental practice. Anderson will speak about the ways in which the property became a silent partner in the staging of the project, inspired by her passion for early photography and photographic practices.

Sally Blundell reviews Stella & Cecil: A Kaikoura Composition by Bridgit Anderson – Photo Forum