
EDGELAND – Poetry reading with David Eggleton – Mon 31 Aug, 5:30pm

Please join us this Monday evening for a glass of wine and poetry reading with poet laureate David Eggleton.

Monday 31 August, 5:30pm Free entry – all welcome 

James Robinson’s splendid exhibition EDGELAND (…the unsayable being said over and over)
is a response to David Eggleton’s latest poetry volume.

(EDGELAND exhibition ends 14 August – don’t miss it!)

Writer and poet David Eggleton will be reading a sequence of six sonnets from his last poetry volume ‘Edgeland and other poems’ – which will be available for sale from Monday.David wrote these in response to a number of works, shown as the Anthropocene and Asylum series, that James created during his Dunmoochin artist residency in Melbourne, Australia in 2015.
David will also be reading from other poems to which James Robinson  has responded to in his current exhibition EDGELAND.

David Eggleton edited Landfall  and Landfall Review Online between 2010 and 2018. He is a recent recipient of a Janet Frame Literary Trust Award, an Ockham New Zealand Book Award for Poetry, and the Prime Minister’s Award for Poetry. He has had nine collections of poetry published, and a New and Selected Poems is forthcoming. His most recent poetry publication, Edgeland and other poems, was published by Otago University Press in 2018. He is the Aotearoa New Zealand Poet Laureate 2019 – 2021.