
Molly Morpeth Award finalists

Julia Holden, Janna van Hasselt & Stan Bowski named as Finalists for the Molly Morpeth Canaday Awards 2025.

PG has been exhibiting Julia Holden for many years and we are thrilled to hear the announcement that ‘Intertrigo’, has been announced as a finalist work for the upcoming Molly Morpeth awards. This work is a collaborative performance painting made during Holden’s Artist in Residence at Dunedin School of Art in Ōtepoti Dunedin with artist Sarah McGaughran.

Ceramicist Janna van Hasselt brings tactile exuberance and her porcelain forms bustle with action as the glossy loops build a visual vocabulary. We are thrilled to be presenting Janna’s work again in her upcoming exhibition, opening 18 March, on until 11 April.

Stan Bowski’s minimalist paintings, featuring repetition and intentional spacing, offer a moment of peace and reflection. We are excited to announce Stan Bowski will be exhibiting his first show with us at PG gallery192 at the end of April.