BARBARA BOEKELMAN – Non-Fiction continued – 21 Feb–10 March, 2023
Barbara Boekelman’s large-scale paintings brim with vitality and intricacy. The works are expressive and unified by palette and process. Reworking is central. She draws, obscures, wipes away, redraws and paints over. It’s through this process that curious forms and colour relationships emerge. The life of each painting begins with rich and varied narrative achieved by description of figures, objects and landscapes sourced from memory. Over time these elements are buried and colour, form and line take precedence. The paintings accumulate atmosphere and emotional tone as they develop and although the initial stories and ideas do not always remain visible, they are never lost entirely. While, at first glance, the works may appear abstract, their core and impulse is based in reality, thus the title: Non-fiction. With a background in journalism, Boekelman’s work is often socially or politically driven and always close to her heart. Even if not always obvious for the viewer, Boekelman’s truth is in the paintings.
Barbara Boekelman graduated with an MFA from the University of Canterbury in 2022. She had earlier studied Fine Arts in the Netherlands.
Artist talk: Wed 8 March, 12 noon
Barbara Boekelman and Andrew Bond will talk about their exhibitions