EUAN MACLEOD – Cloud – 13 Aug-7 Sept, 2018
“In an era of climate change and global warming, Euan Macleod’s meditations upon the planetary water-cycle have gained a particular poignancy. Whereas, in earlier series, his ubiquitous, striding protagonist was placed on the ocean-floor, wading through water or climbing snow-clad alps, the figure has now moved to a higher territory of the hydrosphere.
…As he surveys the Canterbury coastline from his cloud-shelf, Macleod’s ‘Rain man’ might be a passive onlooker, a casualty, a custodian or, quite possibly, he might be presiding over what is happening around and beneath him.
…The works return us to the question which has preoccupied Macleod for decades: To what extent is humanity a part of, or separate from, the natural world? In these most real of dream-like scenarios, we are reminded of W. B. Yeats’ line: ‘In dreams begin responsibilities.’ Where do we go from here? In these ruminative paintings, are we witnessing a requiem or a rebirth?”
– Gregory O’Brien
about Euan Macleod.
Radio NZ – Euan Macleod interviewed by Kim Hill, 1 September 2018
New etchings by Euan Macleod are also available:
See full range of Euan’s work here