
PHILIPPA BLAIR – Out of the Loop – 14 Oct-1 Nov 2019

'Flux: dreams have no edges', Philippa Blair, 2019 Acrylic and oil on canvas, diptych, 1220 x 2440mm overall, (SOLD)

With immense emotional and physical commitment Philippa Blair has created a fresh body of dynamically abstract paintings. Honesty within each work is something she strives for. Not one stroke is contrived or false. She takes inspiration from the great American playwright Sam Shepard when he said, “You can’t make a mistake when you improvise… it’s like drumming, if you miss a beat you create another…”

'Spring-Break', Philippa Blair, 2019 Acrylic and oil on canvas, diptych, 1015 x 1520mm overall

       Out of the Loop: Lollapaloopa, Philippa Blair, 2019, acrylic and oil on canvas, 760 x 1520mm, (SOLD)

'Zoo-land Two', Philippa Blair, Acrylic and oil on canvas, diptych, 2018 Acrylic and oil on canvas, diptych, 1015 x 1520mm overall
From Station to Station, Philippa Blair, 2019, acrylic and oil on canvas, 760 x 1520mm, (SOLD)

Revelation, Philippa Blair, 2019 mixed media on canvas    'Structures for Living Systems #8', Philippa Blair, 2018 Acrylic and oil on canvas, 455 x 455mm    Loose Ties, Philippa Blair, 2019 mixed media on canvas    Structures for living systems #7, Philippa Blair, 2019 mixed media on canvas