
WENDY BORNHOLDT – Tissue Solo and the Artefacts – 31 May-24 June, 2016

Tissue by Wendy Bornholdt

May 2016

‘Originating from questions I was asking myself around the status of the art object in the world, and of structures of archive and presentation and the transactions inherent in making and showing art, Tissue Solo and the Artefacts forms part of a significant body of work that began in 2014 and is ongoing.

Overarching the series is an air of dematerialisation. In mid-2014 I made the decision to explore the withdrawal of the original subject/object from the equation, to employ a withholding of sorts – hence the emergence of ‘Drawings Wrapped in Tissue’. From that point forward a momentum of continued dematerialisation took hold, opening up an entirely new territory to explore and spawning a major new body of work, to which Tissue Solo and the Artefacts belongs.

These works are indebted to my early body of non-object based site specific and situation specific installations of the 1990’s–2000’s. Despite their comparatively small scale and intimate nature there is an architectural quality about them and the spatial perfume is important.

I guess I could have titled the show ‘The Materiality of Dematerialisation’ but it felt too narrow and confining. I settled instead on Tissue Solo and the Artefacts as it alludes to the performative aspects inherent in much of the work shown, while also encompassing the object, and the explorative, time based nature of this body of work.’

Wendy Bornholdt

 Drawings Wrapped in Tissue I 2014 photographic print 485 x 985mmDrawings Wrapped in Tissue III 2014 photographic print 485 x 985mm  Drawings Wrapped in Tissue II 2014 photographic print 485 x 985mmTissue Solo, 2015 photographic print   Tissue Solo, 2015 photographic print 235 x 1315mm   Tissue Solo, 2015 photographic print 235 x 1315mmTissue Solo, 2014 photographic print 485 x 655mm Tissue Solo, 2015 photographic print 485 x 985mm   Tissue Solo, 2015 photographic print 485 x 985mmTissue Solo, 2015 photographic print 485 x 320mm